ECET Distinctiveness
The institute monitors teaching learning process by imparting pedagogical methods of teaching with emphasis on Bloom’s Taxonomy levels of learning.
The institute has centralized feedback system along with the feedback by the Academic’ & Examination Section (AES) to provide quality education to its stake holders.
Emphasis is being given for Research and Consultancy activities to generate revenue and also to strengthen the industry-institute interaction.
Students are being sent to industries for internships for imparting practical knowledge and MoUs are signed for enhancing industry-institute collaborative activities.
The technical fests will be organized by the various Departments along with College annual day celebrations every year to foster Co-curricular activities.
The NSS unit of ECET is actively engaged in organizing Blood Camps, Swachcha Bharath Programs, Tree Plantations (Haritha Haram as coined by Telangana Government) and village visits towards its social responsibility.
The Literary Club, Cultural Clubs and Physical Education Departments of ECET are working hard to bring out hidden talents in the students towards extra-curricular activities.
A compilation of these activities are released through department professional bodies during college annual day celebrations.
The Civil Engineering Department organizes Road Safety Week Programme every year during the National Road Safety week i.e. 2nd week of January to sensitize people on Road Safety awareness measures.
The institute has a health centre with Ambulance facility catering to the needs of the people round the clock.
The institute has facilities like ramps, lifts & wheel chairs for physically challenged people.