An Autonomous Institute-UGC | B.TECH, M.TECH, MBA, Polytechnic

  • DVV Clarifications
  • 2nd Cycle SSR
  • Executive Summary
  • SWOC Analysis
  • Extended Profile
  • Criterion - I
  • Criterion - II
  • Criterion - III
  • Criterion - IV
  • Criterion - V
  • Criterion - VI
  • Criterion - VII

DVV Clarifications


The ELLENI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND  TECHNOLOGY (ECET) Hyderabad was established in the year 2001 by the Ellenki Educational Society, by a dedicated group of eminent professionals and industrialists with mission of “Education for Liberation”. To address the broad field of aviation, the Institute started with the B.Tech Program in Aeronautical Engineering. The institute is progressing in line with its vision, mission, and quality policy. The Institute is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.

Currently, ECET offers eleven, four-year B.Tech programs & six, two-year M.Tech programs in engineering and a two-year Master of Business Administration program.

  • Our policy is to nurture and build a diligent and dedicated community of engineers providing a professional and unprejudiced environment, thus justifying the purpose of teaching and satisfying the stakeholders.

The following are some of ECET’s major achievements:

  • Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘B’ Grade.
  • Conferred Autonomous status by UGC since 2023.
  • Eligible B.Tech/M.Tech/MBA programs are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi
  • Recognized research centers of JNTUH to offer Ph.D Programs in the departments of (i) Computer Science and Engineering, (ii) Electronics and Communication Engineering and (iii) Mechanical Engineering.
  • Ranked in Rank-band: 201 – 250 in Engineering category as per National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) – 2022, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, consistently attaining NIRF rank since 2017.
  • Categorized as ‘Band-Excellent’ institution in category of ‘Private or Self-Financed College/Institutes’ in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) – 2021, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
  • Fourteen sponsored research projects, received grants of worth Rs. 891.66 lakhs by different agencies including DST/ AICTE/UGC.
  • 1500+ research paper publications and 3300+ citations, 93 patents
  • 700+ placements every year, more than 62 core and software companies are visiting
  • Collaborated with Virtusa Corporation and EPAM Systems India Pvt. Ltd. to establish Centers of Excellence
  • Established Technology Business Incubator (TBI) center in the year 2019 with grant-in-aid from MSME Active partnerships with the national and foreign universities towards promoting research collaborations, student and faculty exchange.

To bring forth professionally competent and socially sensible engineers, capable of working across cultures meeting the global standards ethically.

  • To provide students with an extensive and exceptional education that prepares them to excel in their profession, guided by dynamic intellectual community and be able to face the technically complex world with creative leadership qualities.
  • Further, be instrumental in emanating new knowledge through innovative research that emboldens entrepreneurship and economic development for the benefit of wide spread community
Quality Policy

Our policy is to nurture and build diligent and dedicated community of engineers providing a professional and unprejudiced environment, thus justifying the purpose of teaching and satisfying the stake holders.

A team of well qualified and experienced professionals ensure quality education with its practical application in all areas of the Institute.

The following are some of the institute’s major achievements,

  • Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ Grade in 2015.
  • All eligible B.Tech/M.Tech/MBA programs (Seven B.Tech, Two M.Tech and MBA programs) are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi since 2008.
  • Recognized research centers of JNTUH to offer Ph.D programs in the departments of (i) Computer Science and Engineering, (ii) Electronics and Communication Engineering, and (iii) Mechanical Engineering.
  • Ranked 139 in the year 2019, 170 in the year 2020, 159 in the year 2021, and in the Rank Band of 201 – 250 in the year 2022 in ‘Engineering category’ as per National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India.
  • IARE is participating since 2019 in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) ranking of Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. It has been ranked under Band – B (Rank between 26 to 50) during 2020 and categorized as ‘Band-Excellent’ institution in category of ‘Private or Self-Financed College/Institutes’ in the year 2021.
  • Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has rated IARE with 3.5 Stars during the year 2021, and rated with 4 Stars in the year 2022 for promoting innovation and start-up culture in the campus.
  • The following are the national ratings as given by the most widely read and acclaimed magazines for the year 2022: CAREERS360 – AAAA, India Today – 54 out of 238 in the category of Private Engineering Colleges, THE WEEK – 84 out of 191, Times of India -64 out of 175, Competition Success Review (GHRDC) – 16 out of 29 colleges of eminence, DATAQUEST -78 out of 100, Outlook -50 out of 100 in the category of Private Engineering Colleges.

The Institute has cutting-edge infrastructure to support teaching-learning, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and other supported administrative services. It is spread over 10 acres with a built-up area of 3,90,837 sft., housing 80 smart classrooms, central library, 2 ICT studio rooms, 1 media centre, 1 A/V centre, 3 flipped classrooms, 4 conference halls, 1 auditorium, 8 research laboratories, 2 Industry supported laboratories, 94 academic laboratories, science and technology start-up park, Technology Innovation and Incubation center, an open-air amphitheater, Makerspace, Community facilitation center for women, and center for the development of skill and employability. Campus-wide networking with 1800 Mbps internet connectivity, Wi-Fi, and CCTV facility is available. All the rooftops are covered with solar panels having capacity of 160 kW. A standby generator with a capacity of 480 kVA is provided to ensure smooth working of the institute in times of power outage. The institute operates 32 buses for the benefit of students and staff to commute from any part of the city.

A consistent record of good enrolment rate, student-faculty ratio, research outcomes in terms of publications and funding, and excellent placements are the major highlights of the Institute. The sanctioned intake of the Institute is 1512 for the academic year 2022 – 2023. The total number of students in the campus are around 5398 with 308 faculty, out of which, 102 are Ph.D. qualified, ensuring a healthy faculty-student ratio of 1:17. Currently, IARE has fourteen sponsored research projects worth Rs. 891.66 lakhs funded by different Government agencies including DST, AICTE, UGC, etc.

Outstanding placement achievement with more than 62 companies visiting the Institute every year offering pay packages up to Rs. 29 lakhs per annum. More than 85% of the students are offered campus placements. Most prominent employers include Capgemini, Amazon, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant, Accenture, Mphasis, LTI, Cyient, TATA Advanced Systems, IBM, and so on.

The institute has various in house developed ICT enabled e-Governance portals for effective and efficient academic and administration activities. AKANKSHA, SAMVIDHA, eExamDesk, Evaluation of student learning outcomes (ESLO), BuildIT and NewGenLib are the e-Governance portals developed by IARE, which are hosted on AWS cloud for uninterrupted service and integrated for easy access across the portals.

The learning management portal AKANKSHA, is an online, web-based e-learning portal hosting video lectures repository with over 175+ courses totaling 5600+ lecture hours. It also includes skill development, skill enhancement, and employability courses to ensure that every student benefits from the learning materials available through the IARE e-Learning / Early Learning Readiness Videos (ELRV). The campus management portal, SAMVIDHA caters to academic administration which includes student registration, attendance management, student services, finance and accounts, etc. To create a digital examination system, an online Testing Portal, eExamDesk has been developed. To support outcome-based education, the course and program outcomes and their attainments are computed using ESLO (Evaluation of student learning outcomes) tool. BuildIT is a coding portal developed for training the students in competitive programming to enhance coding abilities. NewGenLib is an Integrated Library Management System used for library management.

IARE has the best ecosystem for cocurricular and extracurricular activities to enhance students’ overall development. All departments have technical associations to help students to improve their communication, managerial, and leadership skills. SPANDANA and CONSORTIUM are the annual techno-cultural events conducted to showcase the talents of the students. Similarly, CONCOCT and METE, the annual project and innovation expos conducted to exhibit the student’s creative ideas. Students have access to cutting-edge indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Hostels are provided for both boys and girls. IARE students have numerous opportunities to participate in events such as conferences, design challenges, ideation, hackathons, and coding competitions. Students can also participate in a semester-long work placement or full semester internship program with industry.

Other highlights of the Institute:
  • The following centres are established to allow faculty and students to share facilities, equipment, ideas, and innovation.
    • Center for Advanced Power Engineering Research (CAPER)
    • Center for Research on Alternative Energy Sources (Solar | Thermo Electric | Materials-STEM)
    • Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR)
    • Aerospace Research and Development Center (ARDC)
    • IOT, Sensor and Instrumentation Engineering Center (ISIE)
    • VLSI and Embedded Systems Laboratory (VESL)
    • Artificial Intelligence Experience Center (AIEC)
    • Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Laboratory (AIDL)
    • Big Data Computing Center (BD2C)
  • Active partnerships with the national and foreign universities towards promoting research collaborations, and student as well as faculty exchange.
  • As per the guidelines of Ministry of Education, IARE established Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) in the year 2019 with a vision of nurturing the culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship among the students and faculty. The primary focus of IIC is to normalize the resources and create additional infrastructure for Product Development, commercialization and venture development.
  • Active MoUs with various Industries enhancing Industry – Institute Interaction.
  • To meet market demands and prepare students for success in the field of data integration, IARE has collaborated with Virtusa Corporation and EPAM Systems India Pvt. Ltd. to establish Centers of Excellence.
  • Science and Technology Start-Up Enclave (STSE) was established in the year 2017 with an office space of 7500 Sq.ft for Incubation support within the premises of the Institute. STSE is a regional pioneer in assisting entrepreneurs in establishing successful businesses, with a particular emphasis on Smart Manufacturing and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The incubation ecosystem is Start-Up friendly, with minimal overhead on Start-Up and benefits such as access to facilities and seed fund support. Financial institutions such as MSME, CITD, NSIC, NRDC, and DST are extending their assistance in resource mobilization. The institute allocates a separate fund for supporting innovation and start-up-related activities, which amounts to approximately 1.5 percent of the total annual budget, to facilitate the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Established Technology Business Incubator (TBI) center in the year 2019 with grant-in-aid from Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) under a scheme for promotion of innovation, rural industry &entrepreneurship. The TBI center is located in the premises of institute with a built-up area of 6,414 sft. Some innovative products such as low-cost laser cutting machines, Humanoid Robo unmanned air vehicles (UAV) are developed.
  • Institute has established Technology Innovation and Incubation Centre (TIIC), which enables the infrastructural support to students and faculty to convert their ideas into final products.
  • Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) has been signed between with National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), an Enterprise of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK), Telangana. IARE and NRDC shall work in partnership for knowledge transfer and commercialization of research and projects done by the students.
Criteria wise Summary

Institute of Aeronautical Engineering is a truly holistic place of learning, made up of seven outstanding dimensions.

  1. Academic – Learn from world leaders and groundbreaking experts. IARE is ranked in the top 4% of engineering institutes in the world and has an unmatched reputation for high-quality education, research-active teaching staff, and facilities.
  2.  Pedagogy – Our curriculum prepares students for today’s world. We work with our community, business partners and industry leaders to develop course content that meets the needs of employers and the jobs of the future.
  3.  Research – Learn from world researchers-go beyond and do differently. We see learning and research as the connected aspects of a student’s experience, putting him close to the world-leading research that is changing lives in the communities we serve.
  4.  Enterprise – Go beyond the classroom and make your ideas happen. Got a good idea for a start-up venture? We have the resources to help you go for it. Want to make a difference and help others? We offer opportunities, both academic and social, for you to achieve this.
  5.  Community – Over the last few years, IARE students have earned a national reputation for their community involvement and social service.
  6.  Active traits – With clubs and events, students have an experience unique and can become expert by getting involved. A dedicated center for personality development aids students in shedding their inhibitions and moving forth to higher grounds, in the process transforming from learners to experts in the field. IARE has a massive outdoor playground.
  7.  Support – Tap into a dedicated support network, tools and resources, IARE is committed to helping the students to thrive and succeed by services from the moment they arrive on campus.
Curricular Aspects

ECET offers technical and management courses in emerging areas. There are eight academic departments offering eleven UG and seven PG programs including one management program.

  • Outcome-based education (OBE) is introduced in accordance with the regulations of statuary bodies like AICTE and UGC. IARE has established a good process for quantifying the attainment of Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes.
  • Program outcomes and program-specific outcomes are designed based on knowledge, skills and attitude components so that the students can develop critical thinking, oral and written communication and become responsible citizens.
  • Curriculum is revised based on the guidelines of AICTE and JNTUH. The curriculum is revised to focus on the quality relevance of the content for national and global scenarios, 60% of the courses are revised during the last five years.
  • IARE curriculum is a flexible and Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS), Project-based learning, internship, Skill enhancement training and Field projects are the compulsory components of the curriculum.
  • More than 90% of courses have components that enhance employability, skills, and industry readiness. Skill labs are developed to enhance entrepreneurship activities. More than 4000 no of students undergone internships and field projects in industries and research labs.
  • 150+ number of value-added courses are offered over last five years which benefited around 90% of the students.
  • Experiential Engineering Education (Exceed) is an academic bunch of modules introduced in the curriculum design and teach five ExL power skills courses to shape the student’s future
Teaching-learning and Evaluation:

ECET has highly dedicated, committed and qualified faculty. Institute is committed to provide quality teaching-learning with an outcome-based approach. All the courses are tailored to enhance employability and life-long learning.

  • Total teaching staff strength is 266. There are 34 Professors, 58 Associate professors and 174 Assistant professors. As on date, 102 number of faculty have a doctoral degree.
  • Faculty-student ratio is 1:19. One mentor is assigned to each of the 20 students throughout his/ her studies.
  • Slow learners are assessed and trained through remedial classes, tutorials, and video lectures. Advanced learners are provided the opportunity fast track the courses so that they can join Full semester internships, minors, and honors programs
  • Credits are assigned for mini-projects, and Seminar
  • ECET has created several ICT-enabled teaching-learning processes like Akanksha – Learning Management System (LMS) which has a repository of more than 700 courses where the student can register and learn. Institute has an IARE YouTube channel which is got a repository of more than 7000 hours of video lectures.
Research, Innovations, and Extension:

ECET has created an ample atmosphere for research and innovation. Institute has established 09 number of research laboratories in inter-disciplinary research areas. IARE encourages the faculty to publish in quality and reputed journals indexed in SCI / Scopus by providing attractive incentives. The achievements of IARE over the last five years:

  • 895.59 lakhs of grants received from various funding agencies like DST, AICTE and etc.
  • Recognized research centers to offer Ph.D programs in the departments of (i) Computer Science and Engineering, (ii) Electronics and Communication Engineering, and (iii) Mechanical Engineering by JNTUH.
  • 223 utility patents published
  • 74 design patents granted
  • 11 utility patents granted
  • 13 technology transfers to industries,
  • 15 commercialized IPRs and 25 copy rights
  • 1290 number of publications in indexed journals and conferences
  • 37.85 lakhs of seed money is provided to 37 faculty members
  • h-index: 30 and i10 index: 143 (Ref: Scopus database)
  • 06 no of start-up incubated
  • Has the facilitation of 45 incubates, the production of 60 entrepreneurs
  • Inception of 10 start-ups
  • Execution of two community-oriented projects
  • Institute has Innovation and Start-Up Policy, Internship Policy, and Full Semester Internship Policy which encourage the students to participate in research and innovation ecosystem.
  • 45 number of initiatives for encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.
  • 71 number of extension activities conducted
  • Established Technology Business Incubator (TBI) centre in the year 2019 with the support of MSME under ‘A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship’, located in the premises of institute with a built-up area of 6414 sft.
  • Created a common facility centre at Dundigal Thanda – 2 to train ST community women for trades of jewellery, bangles, embroidery, engraving on Utensils by laser engraving machines, etc.
  • Executed a community-oriented project titled “Socio-economic, sustainability & development in agriculture and water resources for rural schools through self-designed science and technology” funded by DST.
  • Sanctioned the DST funded project, ‘Poverty Alleviation and Upliftment of Tribal Woman through Mechanized Manufacturing of Traditional Ornaments and House Hold Products’.
Infrastructure and Learning Resources:

ECET has excellent teaching-learning facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure integrated with ICT-based technologies. The Institute has well-furnished classrooms, modern laboratory and computing facilities along with excellent support for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Well established library with adequate learning resources and digital infrastructure are the salient features of this Institute.

  • The 80 classrooms are ICT enabled
  • State-of-the-art studio (2 studio rooms and one A/V center) for development of e-Learning resources
  • Over 1780 number of computers with an internet bandwidth of 1800 Mbps and the campus wide network with 30 number of Wi-Fi access points
  • 2 number of seminar halls, 11 number of board rooms, and an auditorium with 800 capacity is the major highlights of this institute
  • 8073 number of titles with 57,158 number of volumes, 1,50,000 e-Books collections, 150 number of print journals, 7894 number of e-Journals are the main attraction of this institute
  • Active learning management system with a huge number of online resources created by the faculty
  • A separate Makerspace for prototype development
  • Canteen/food courts at campus
  • Indoors sports facilities, Gymnasium, Yoga center for staff and students
  • Day care center, girl’s common room, medical room for staff and students
Student Support and Progression:

ECET values students as valuable stakeholders who contribute to the growth of the nation. ECET mentors and supports and encourage all the students to their highest potential by providing a well-balanced curriculum of instruction and skill training.

  • 14,177 number of students have been awarded free-ships / scholarships for the last five years
  • Institute has established language laboratories for improving written and oral communication skills
  • 833 number of students have been successful in the competitive examinations such as GATE/ GRE/TOEFL/GMAT etc. in last five years
  • Institute has established a student grievance redressal system to address personal and professional career
  • Registered alumni association exists with a dedicated alumni portal and with 10,000+ alumni being registered
  • Institute received Rs. 17,00,514 towards alumni fund
  • Student council exists to conduct student-centric activities
  • A dedicated Career Development Centre (CDC) for skill development
  • 50 workshops conducted on various emerging technologies
  • 23 programs on life skills are conducted since 2017
  • 72 programs on soft skills and communication skills are conducted since 2017
  • 175 students have opted for higher education in the year 2021-22
  • 27 unique awards won by the students in various national/international events since 2017
  • 43 sports and cultural events conducted during last five years
Governance, Leadership and Management:

The visionary ECET governing body that directs the Institute’s policies and practices in order to promote quality technical education for the benefit of students across all disciplines.

  • The governing body emphasizes decentralization of the decision-making to encourage and empower all the stakeholders through participative management.
  • An organogram with well-defined delegation of powers exists.
  • A structured academic council and board of studies are formulated as per the norms of the regulatory bodies. The academic council and BOS are responsible for framing the guidelines and syllabus for all the programs. These bodies meet at regular intervals.
  • The board of governance always emphasizes on effective implementation of the strategic plan. An effective e-Governance system for administration, finance, admission and examination exists.
  • Samvidha is a web-based campus management system that is easy to use, trustworthy, quick, and secure. It manages all administrative, academic, HR, financial, and account procedures for students, faculty, and staff. All student, staff, and other data is safely kept on load-balanced AWS cloud servers. User accounts are provided to all staff members and students. Its information is only visible to those who have been verified from their own accounts. The functional features of this software are: office administration including employee management, transport management, finance and account, HR &payroll, student admission, academic administration, fee collection, student attendance, feedback collection, alumni registration, laboratory management, self-service portal for students, staff and admin, and placement & training.
  • eExamDesk is an end-to-end automated examination management portal that conducts, proctors, and evaluates exams, under a unified platform. The functionalities include exam planning, scheduling automation, seating plan, generation of admit cards, encoding and decoding answer scripts, enabling secure remote evaluations, announcing exam results, and generating grade sheets/transfer certificates / provisional certificates/study certificates, and so on. It also includes the software to conduct online descriptive/objective examinations in the virtual mode under the supervision of a remote proctor.
  • Institute has established various welfare measures such as seed grants for faculty, insurance, sponsoring for competitive building programs, etc.
  • ECET emphasizes the career development of the faculty by sponsoring various conferences and workshops at the national and international levels.
  • 244 faculty have received financial assistance for attending conferences/ workshops/FDPs/ membership to professional bodies during the year 2021-22
  • Comprehensive and audited performance data is shared with all the stakeholders through annual reports, and newsletters uploaded in the Institute website. All the policy and standard operating procedures (SOP) documents are shared through the institute web portal.
  • Periodic IQAC meetings, academic and administrative audits are the part of calendar of activities
  • 25 functional MoUs with other institutes of repute
  • Continuous participation in NIRF, ARIIA, IIC and other rankings since their inception
  • Continuous participation in NBA accreditation 
  • Yearly inspection by JNTUH towards quality maintenance
Institutional Values and Best Practices:

ECET emphasizes value-based education to bring forth professional competent and socially sensible engineers capable of working across cultures and meeting global standards. ECET institution values and best practices are summarized below:

  • 21 activities conducted during last five years as a measure towards promotion of gender equity and sensitization
  • Environmental sustainability issues are addressed in the institute by employing solar installations on rooftops, biogas production from solid waste, wastewater recycling, LED lighting in the campus, waste conservation, rainwater harvesting and recharging of groundwater, e-based disposal system is being adopted
  • 160 kW capacity solar energy plant with grid wheeling facility, 100% lighting using LED bulbs and streetlights, electrical appliances of 5-star energy ratings, sensor-based lightings in all corridors, flexi bio-gas model-based biogas plant of 2 cubic meter of biogas production per day, are available in campus
  • Energy, green and environmental audits are carried out
  • STP of 30 KLD capacity installed at campus and is in use, and measures for e-waste management
  • Harvesting pits, borewells, natural lake is available on campus
  • 150+ number of value-added courses during last five years
  • Has a code of conduct to promote responsibility for all the members
  • Established a women empowerment cell and gender equity is addressed through training and specialized programs
  • Institute has a separate parking slot to restrict automobile usage and to promote pedestrian pathways
  • Institute has established a disabled-friendly ramp, toilets, lifts, etc.
  • Institute celebrates all the national festivals and commemorative days
  • NSS unit of the institute organizes blood donation camps and other social development programs
  • Adopted 5 villages under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan and many of the outreach/extension activities are conducted
  • An effective online platform to address teaching learning issues and thereby transforming into digitally empowered institution is one of the best practices being implemented at campus
  • Towards promoting entrepreneurial culture among the students, the institute has taken many of the skill development initiatives in the form of TBI, Makerspace, Start-up enclave, etc. which is also claimed as one of the success stories of the institute.
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