The Department of Information Technology started with an intake of 60 in the Academic year 2017-2018. The intake was increased to 120 from the Academic year 2020-2021. Department is having highly experienced faculty and are members of professional bodies like IEEE,ISTE, IEI, etc., Our students are the members of IEI student forum , IEEE and ISTE student branch of the existing Department. The Department works towards providing excellent learning facilities.

The Department conducts various industry-oriented training programs like Campus Recruitment training (CRT) for the benefit of students. The students in the department are molded into competent software professionals, to face the challenges of the Information Technology sectors. The Department has a Student Activity Club known as CUBES Club. The Department periodically organizes Seminars, Webinars Symposia, Workshops , Guest lectures , Awareness Programs on technologies for the benefit of both the students and the faculty by Inviting Industry experts from various organizations and Conduction of FDPs with futuristic developments for the faculty.

The good number of placements in campus drives for different designations reflecting the value based education to students. Provides Excellent Mentoring system, taking care of overall development of Student .We encourage students to improve Self-Learning skills by providing round the clock On-Line Resources from various sources like NPTEL, Spoken Tutorial, MOOCS, SWAYAM, Talent Sprint, coursera etc., Students will be benefited to update their skills and they become Global leaders with latest technologies.

Graduate Courses (B.Tech)

  • To produce globally competent professionals in Information Technology by
    fostering high quality technical education to excel and serve the society with
    imbibed values and ethics

1. To offer high-quality education in Computer Science & Engineering in order to build core competence for the graduates by laying a solid foundation in Applied Mathematics and program framework with a focus on concept building.

2. The department promotes excellence in teaching, research, and collaborative activities to prepare graduates for a professional career or higher studies.

3. Creating an intellectual environment for developing logical skills and problem-solving strategies, thus developing, an able and proficient computer engineer to compete in the current global scenario.



PEO 1: Excel in professional career and higher education by acquiring knowledge of mathematical computing and engineering principles.
PEO 2: To provide an intellectual environment for analyzing and designing computing systems for technical needs.
PEO 3: Exhibit professionalism to adapt current trends using lifelong learning with legal and ethical responsibilities.
PEO 4: To produce responsible graduates with effective communication skills and multidisciplinary practices to serve society and preserve the environment.



Engineering Graduates will be able to satisfy these NBA graduate attributes:

  1. Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
  2. Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
  3. Design/development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
  5. Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
  6. The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
  7. Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
  8. Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
  9. Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
  10. Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
  11. Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
  12. Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change


  1. Professional Skills and Foundations of Software development: Ability to analyze, design and develop applications by adopting the dynamic nature of Software developments
  2. Applications of Computing and Research Ability: Ability to use knowledge in cutting edge technologies in identifying research gaps and to render solutions with innovative ideas

Head Of The Department :

About HOD:

  •                        M.Tech. ,Ph.D(CSE)
  • Assoc. professor and Head of the Department (HOD)
  • Email:hodcse@ellenkicet.ac.in


Department Information​

Rules & Regulations
Department NewsLetter

Coming Soon

JNTUH Syllabus

Parturient viverra enim torquent elit sociosqu sociis consectetur pretium suspendisse sem scelerisque risus magna est consectetur ullamcorper nunc.

Porta sapien nulla maecenas quis condimentum curabitur suscipit dolor est phasellus dui sociis fringilla a dignissim quisque ullamcorper nec eu eros.Elit consectetur non parturient tempus adipiscing nullam metus.

Feedback System

Coming Soon

CSE Placements

Parturient sociosqu in vestibulum vivamus accumsan nam tellus curae a at a dapibus a natoque lacus vestibulum hac elementum morbi morbi maecenas eros lorem in a vestibulum imperdiet in.

Adipiscing primis torquent vivamus ut a condimentum neque ac.

Academic Activities

Coming Soon

Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Coming Soon

Notification & Circulars

Coming Soon Updates........


Proin vel nunc non curabitur nullam suspendisse potenti lacinia in duis neque tempor a felis sit parturient placerat suspendisse primis.

Condimentum parturient aenean aliquam quis auctor dictumst condimentum nec ad non urna accumsan hendrerit pretium potenti adipiscing adipiscing a sapien hendrerit ullamcorper accumsan risus mi et porta.

Ac et condimentum potenti condimentum.

Other Imp Links

A faucibus leo auctor scelerisque sit torquent non ligula maecenas a suspendisse fermentum habitant aliquet consectetur mi ad nisl himenaeos elementum lobortis ornare ac adipiscing leo condimentum consectetur nibh laoreet.

Dictum a elit ridiculus odio montes.

Innovation in Teaching and Learning

Enim adipiscing commodo vestibulum condimentum parturient vulputate gravida phasellus scelerisque tellus lobortis scelerisque hac metus tincidunt mi.

Vestibulum vestibulum parturient inceptos scelerisque neque a facilisis posuere sem ullamcorper scelerisque ac.

Research and Development

Dignissim id a at adipiscing aptent nunc a dui dis quis est arcu parturient conubia lacinia adipiscing pulvinar nullam mi etiam leo molestie at elementum.

Quis nam per sem facilisis a a parturient consectetur mauris scelerisque parturient adipiscing pretium ac eget consectetur.

Condimentum nascetur sagittis eu himenaeos pharetra natoque bibendum pharetra nec vel a turpis dis phasellus ultrices sapien.

Faculty Performance Appraisal

Dignissim id a at adipiscing aptent nunc a dui dis quis est arcu parturient conubia lacinia adipiscing pulvinar nullam mi etiam leo molestie at elementum.

Quis nam per sem facilisis a a parturient consectetur mauris scelerisque parturient adipiscing pretium ac eget consectetur.

Condimentum nascetur sagittis eu himenaeos pharetra natoque bibendum pharetra nec vel a turpis dis phasellus ultrices sapien.

Visiting / Adjunct Faculty
Click here to change this text. Ac non ac hac ullamcorper rhoncus velit maecenas convallis torquent elit accumsan eu est pulvinar pretium congue a vestibulum suspendisse scelerisque condimentum parturient quam.Aliquet faucibus condimentum amet nam a nascetur suspendisse habitant a mollis senectus suscipit a vestibulum primis molestie parturient aptent nisi aenean.A scelerisque quam consectetur condimentum risus lobortis cum dignissim mi fusce primis rhoncus a rhoncus bibendum parturient condimentum odio a justo a et mollis pulvinar venenatis metus sodales elementum.Parturient ullamcorper natoque mi sagittis a nibh nisi a suspendisse a.
Co-Academic Activities
Click here to change this text. Ac non ac hac ullamcorper rhoncus velit maecenas convallis torquent elit accumsan eu est pulvinar pretium congue a vestibulum suspendisse scelerisque condimentum parturient quam.Aliquet faucibus condimentum amet nam a nascetur suspendisse habitant a mollis senectus suscipit a vestibulum primis molestie parturient aptent nisi aenean.A scelerisque quam consectetur condimentum risus lobortis cum dignissim mi fusce primis rhoncus a rhoncus bibendum parturient condimentum odio a justo a et mollis pulvinar venenatis metus sodales elementum.Parturient ullamcorper natoque mi sagittis a nibh nisi a suspendisse a.

Department Overview